home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* MakeHotlist.rexx
- v1.2 - 03-Jun-97
- This script grabs URLs from messages in the current folder
- and creates a hotlist which it sends to a browser. Currently
- supported browsers are AWeb, IBrowse and Voyager.
- *IMPORTANT* You need to change the variable browser to a correct
- value or the script will not be able to run your browser.
- All adresses which end with a character in variable dup_chars will be
- duplicated and displayed also without that character.
- This script requires rexxreqtools and reqtools libraries, if the
- filerequester is used.
- Send bug reports, comments and spare bodyparts to knikulai@utu.fi
- */
- options results
- browser='Work:IBrowse/IBrowse' /* Start this program if no browser is running */
- hname='YAM:HotList.html' /* Full path and name of hotlist */
- tags='rt_pubscrname=YAMSCREEN' /* Change here the name of the screen YAM runs */
- /* If you wish to select the name of the hotlist, uncomment next three lines*/
- /*
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- hname=rtfilerequest('YAM:','HotList.html','Enter name of the hotlist',,'rtfi_flags=freqf_save' tags)
- if hname='' then exit
- */
- dup_chars='.,!?"*%&)' /* If one of these ends the URL, it will be duplicated */
- not_found='Sorry,no URLs were found in any of the read messages!'
- uc=0 /* URL-counter */
- call open(hotlist,hname,'W')
- address 'YAM'
- 'Request "Do you want to search for URLs from" "_All messages|_This message|_Quit"'
- if result=0 then exit
- OnlyOne=(result=2)
- writeln(hotlist,'<html><head><title>URLs from YAM</title></head>')
- 'GetFolderInfo Name'
- writeln(hotlist,'<body><center><h3>URLs from messages in folder' result'</h3></center>')
- writeln(hotlist,'<center>An URL is only displayed once, even if it appears in several messages.</center>')
- writeln(hotlist,'<hr><ul>')
- 'GetFolderInfo Max'
- loppu=result-1
- alku=0
- 'GetMailInfo Act'
- act=result
- if OnlyOne then do
- alku=act
- loppu=act
- end
- do viesti=alku to loppu
- 'SetMail' viesti
- 'GetMailInfo File'
- fname=result
- 'GetMailInfo Subject'
- sub=result
- 'GetMailInfo Status'
- if open(msg,fname,'R') then do
- do until eof(msg)
- rivi=translate(readln(msg),' ','"')
- rivi=rivi || ' ' /* Just making sure there is a space at the end */
- do while (pos('GOPHER://',upper(rivi))>0 | pos('HTTP://',upper(rivi))>0 | pos('FTP://',upper(rivi))>0)
- /* There might be several URLs on one line */
- b=pos('HTTP://',upper(rivi)) /* beginning */
- if b=0 then b=pos('FTP://',upper(rivi))
- if b=0 then b=pos('GOPHER://',upper(rivi))
- e=pos(' ',rivi,b) /* space ends the URL */
- if e-pos('//',rivi,b)>2 then do /* only save if URL has chars in it */
- call AddURL(substr(rivi,b,e-b)) /* save URL */
- do while pos(right(url.uc,1),dup_chars)>0
- /* Add another URL without the last character */
- spare=left(url.uc,length(url.uc)-1)
- call AddURL(spare)
- end /* do while pos */
- end /*if e-pos('//',rivi,b)>2*/
- rivi=right(rivi,length(rivi)-e)
- end /* do while (pos('GOPHER://',upper(rivi))> */
- end /* do until eof(msg) */
- close(msg)
- end /* if open(msg,fname,'R') then do */
- end /* do viesti=0 to n-1 */
- writeln(hotlist,'</ul><hr><a href="mailto:knikulai@utu.fi">Send praise, bug reports and pictures of Scully to knikulai@utu.fi</a></body></html>')
- call close(hotlist)
- if uc=0 then
- 'request "'||not_found||'" "_Ok"'
- else do
- lst=show('P') || ' '
- hlst='file:///'hname
- no_browser=1
- if pos('MINDWALKER',lst)>0 then do
- address 'MINDWALKER' 'OpenURL' hlst
- no_browser=0
- end
- if pos('VOYAGER',lst)>0 then do
- address 'VOYAGER' 'OpenURL' hlst
- no_browser=0
- end
- if pos('IBROWSE',lst)>0 then do
- address 'IBROWSE' 'GotoURL' hlst
- no_browser=0
- end
- if pos('AWEB',lst)>0 then do
- address value substr(lst,pos('AWEB.',lst),6)
- 'Open file://localhost/' || hname
- no_browser=0
- end
- if no_browser then do
- 'Request "You do not have a browser running. The *nhotlist has been saved toP[3]' hname'P[1]*nWhat should I do?" "_Run browser|_End script"'
- if result=0 then exit
- address command 'run <>nil:' browser hlst
- end
- else
- 'Request "The hotlist has been sent to your browser." "_Ok"'
- end /* else */
- 'SetMail' act
- exit
- AddURL:
- parse arg u
- do i=1 to uc
- if url.i=u then return
- end
- uc=uc+1
- url.uc=u
- if sub~='' then do /* First write the subject of the message */
- writeln(hotlist,'</ul><p><p><strong>'|| sub ||'</strong><ul>')
- sub=''
- end
- writeln(hotlist,'<li><a href="'|| u ||'">'|| u ||'</a>')
- return